6 Month - Multiple Year Program
Women, Men & Family Recovery
Transformational Program
Comfort Cafe
8 AM till 3 PM
(512) 360-2100
111 NW 1st Street, Smithville TX 78957
Lotus Yoga & Meditation
Donation Based Studio
113 NW 1st St., Smithville TX 78957

Save the date!!!
November 3rd, 2018
Place: Comfort Cafe
A donation-based work program offering a wide range of services to the community.
Call Tut: (512) 317-8265
Mission Statement
SerenityStar provides a safe, sober & spiritual environment for families to recover from their addictions.
What makes us different?
We are a peer-to-peer program of recovery. Our 6-month-multiple year program is not so much a treatment center as it is a community of addicts devoted to finding our personal path and discovering our purpose in recovery. In such a community we are able to practice daily the skills and develop the relationships we need for sustainable recovery. We are committed to healing body, mind and spirit - the authentic person. We are different because we put your recovery back into your hands. We are not responsible for your growth or healing – you are - but we will show you what has worked for us and give suggestions on how to live differently. Our staff is comprised entirely of the SerenityStar founders & former clients. All of whom continue to work their programs and make there homes here.
Serenity Star is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

Feel Called To Help?
Make a one time donation
or a recurring
monthly donation of any amount.